Sajt je u jeku kampanje , bolje rečeno invazije! Oformljena je grupa pod nazivom TXF3 Army - Believe In The Future sa dobro poznatim ciljem. Kampanju je podžralo 35 fan sajtova i blogova širom sveta. Njihova ideja je sastavljena iz 3 faze:
First Phase (Mailing Campaign)
First Official Campaign Release (April 27th, 2009)
Announcement (May 25th, 2009)
List of XF3 Army Videos (as of July 27th, 2009)
The IWTB Week Operation
Third Phase (Design Campaign)
Design the XF3 Army Uniform!
Mnogo više informacija na pomenutom linku. Kao mali uvod, na You Tube je postavljen njihov "video manifest" i moram da priznam da je just perfect!
First Phase (Mailing Campaign)
First Official Campaign Release (April 27th, 2009)
Second Official Campaign Release (May 1st, 2009)
List of Supporting Communities (as of May 20th, 2009)
List of Regional Liasons (as of May 20th, 2009)
Second Phase (Video Campaign & IWTB Week)
List of Regional Liasons (as of May 20th, 2009)
Second Phase (Video Campaign & IWTB Week)
Announcement (May 25th, 2009)
List of XF3 Army Videos (as of July 27th, 2009)
The IWTB Week Operation
Third Phase (Design Campaign)
Design the XF3 Army Uniform!
Mnogo više informacija na pomenutom linku. Kao mali uvod, na You Tube je postavljen njihov "video manifest" i moram da priznam da je just perfect!
I like it! Blog je super!